So as wedding season closes for me and some serious editing begins to take place, I begin to breathe normally again. In the rush and craziness that IS wedding season, it is hard to really take time to reflect on your business, who you are, where you are going. At that moment, you are in the craziness and it lasts for 3 straight months! The whole while, you just pray to God every night that your family doesn’t forget you, your husband forgives you, that your computer can hold just one more photo, and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t get me wrong, I love weddings and wedding season, but it is exhausting work. Especially when you put your whole being into every wedding client that you work for. At the end of the day, there is little left but a sore body and an exhausted mind. Sorry honey, for my absent mindedness, and inability to pry myself out of bed this past 3 months! But now it is over, and I can breathe and I am reminded that I am human. I may be a Super human, but still human 😉
Today, I met with an absolutely LOVELY bride-to-be, who reminded me to really tap into myself again. It was in talking to her about what I do, who I am and my viewpoint on capturing a wedding, that I realized how much I have grown in this past 3 months. Like any creative process, the journey is never ending. You will always change and grow, and hopefully you change in a positive way. It was in asking me what I do to capture my images, that really got me to think. I have always know I am a “clean” photographer. I don’t rely on crazy editing fads, tilt lenses, or anything special lighting tricks to capture my images. I want to capture images that are classic and portray the event in EXACTLY the way it happens. I have grown to realize that “I” am the tool that gets the job done. It is my relationship with my bride and grooms, my ability to make people laugh, the comfort level we create, and my willingness to be emphatic and ” get it” that sets my images apart. Because in being that person, who no one else can be, I offer a unique candid look into the day. I am able to get people to let their guard down, and to do more than pose for a camera. They can be themselves. And in doing that I can do what I am good at, Capturing those breaths between the moments. It is those breaths that separate who I am and where I am going as a photographer. It is those breaths, not the moments, that make us all realize the true beauty in the day. The vulnerabilities are beautiful, when you trust someone enough to let them capture it. I am honored that I have been chosen by so many of you to capture your wedding day. So keep breathing… I can’t wait to capture all the little life in between